Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Being physically fit is my number one goal in life.  I love pushing myself to the limit.  I love seeing how far I can take my body to do something and seeing myself progress.  I've played many sports and activities that involve using my strength.  For example, when I was in middle school, I participated in my schools wrestling team.  I was sketchy about it at first because this was going to be the first time that I tried a sport and actually compete.  I took the opportunity anyways because it would've been a good experience and at the time I would watch wrestling on TV.  The first day was nerve breaking.  I didn't know anyone on the team.  We all started our warm up of running around the gym and learning the basics of wrestling.  For example, sprawling,  single leg take downs, and double leg take downs.  We played a game called King of the Hill.  Two people wrestle each other until one person falls, the person standing has to fight the next person in line.  When it was my turn to fight I was nervous, but I let my instincts take over.  I took down four different people.  I felt like I was unstoppable until I lost to a friend who was then known as my rival.  My team and I competed against other schools and I was a decent wrestler.  In high school I started to play many different sports.  I played Ice-Hockey, Football, Baseball, Boxing, Kickboxing, and Mixed Martial Arts.  I liked all these sports but the one that I loved the most was Mixed Martial Arts.  I loved MMA because in order to win a fight you had to be smart and tactical.  I loved training like a professional fighter.  Most of the time you see a street fight and both guys never trained for a fight.  When I trained for MMA, I took it seriously.  I started working out every day, learning new moves and combos.  I don't train to be over confident about myself or to brag to other people or to scare other people.  I train to be prepared for anything and I just love training like a professional athlete.